VJ機器 | Black Magic Design ATEM SDI / HDMI ライブ中継機器 皆さん今晩は、VJyouです。最近はいかがお過ごしですか? VJやってると、段々色んな依頼が来るようになりますが、その中でもみんな躓きやすいのがライブ中継ではないでしょうか? 昔はプロジェクターも解像度が荒かったので、VJ素材も生カメラも全部コンポジットでつなげばよかったの... 12:13 AM
VR撮影 | バーチャルデート風お礼ビデオの撮影に行ってきました 皆さんこんにちは、VJyouです。 先日は、某映画のクラウドファンディング特典 主演女優とバーチャルデートを楽しめるVRコンテンツ! の撮影のお手伝いに行ってきました。 今回は、クラウドファンディングで出資してくれた人達へのお礼メッセージビデオという趣旨だった... 3:11 AM
VR360 | Eyecandy Pole Studio PV VJmix 皆さんこんにちは、VRlaboTokyoのVJyouです。 今回は、先日撮影したEyeCandy PoleStudio 秋葉原スタジオのスタジオPV2本の紹介と、後日談です。 まずは、先週公開した360VR Eyecandy polestudio PV 昼バージョンをどう... 5:34 PM
VJ | q u : a r t z @ Contact Tokyo 2016.7.11 Event finished . It was so dope and fun. see you next time!!! 先日は q u : a r t z でVJでした。 渋谷Contactは初でしたが、かなり独特な隠れ家感があり、スタッフの皆さんも非... 4:06 AM
VR360 Eyecandy poledance studio promotion video making now we are making the promotion video of pole dance studio EYECANDY at akihabara, in case of dance video, we had always wandered how to e... 4:55 PM
next VJ | INTEGRATION vol.30 / 06.27 (Mon) will be play VJ at INTEGRATION vol 30 at Sankyes TYO details will be here http://iflyer.tv/en/event/265088/ Sankyes TYOにてINTEGRAT... 8:26 AM
LIVECINEMA |Reunion I made this works for all wanderers in labyrinth. you don't need to afraid all daja vu , unreasonable memories, visibility fr... 11:32 PM
what color today / yellow only the survivor can feel the loneliness. The emptines of our modern society is still being everywhere.But nowadys, we need to face to m... 7:57 PM
what color today / dark blue even if we can share very tiny area, I always feel thx for them to spending their time. I sometimes feel my life is like a boat floating on... 1:13 PM
HinkaRinka open my first day to the club event was business. I worked for a birthday party. after that club is meaning the business place for me. After 1... 6:48 PM
what color today / sun rising yellow we see this world through each person's personal filter. The People prohibited to existing in this world is watching totally differe... 2:30 AM
what color today / blue moon new stage will come only after we prepared insdide our heart. only I can decide the size of my spirit. so I thought I wanna enjoy more. ... 4:42 PM
what color today / moss green Bone will last forever. Ruins will also last forever. when we think about the title of the book of each person's life, we can get... 11:19 PM
What color today / ocean green / thailand we know can't bring the physical items to the heaven. we expect maybe we can bring the some part of memory to the next life. water a... 5:03 PM
what color today / green in the forest / Harajuku when I enter the zone, everything will come as if they were planned to be there. am I just following the ray? no, this is the way I am. T... 1:24 PM
what color today / purple Wherever we are, there are always dark side and light side. so I wanma keep facing both side. But it's not meaning just accepting the un... 1:59 AM
what color today / city green / roppongi we can share the world only through what we did not by what we thought. In generally,the person who is doing clean with black heart is reco... 3:20 PM
what color today / mist blue /whistler,Canada When I chasing the dejavu,sometimes I find the place where It looks like the junction point of multiple worlds. that landscape is existin... 3:33 PM
what color today / green ray in the mist when we are in the deep mist, we can feel a lot of possibility. when we got too clear vision, our choice is very limited. accept or decli... 8:59 PM
what color today / silver / fish at museum the masterworks of creative person give me the brave to fight against the commonsence of industry. Just making the square product is th... 2:55 AM
what color today / amber / paris even if we met thousands people, all of us become alone at the moment of fallasleeping. Because we are living on the lonely planet,we can... 1:07 AM
what color today / amber / Paris sometimes, what to memorize is more important than what to see. The person watching too much darkness will become the part of darkness. ... 2:46 PM
what color today / sunset red / dusseldorf child can see the world by the pure eyes but don't know the background. adult can see the world by the wide eyes but can't see it... 8:19 PM
what color today/ yellow How many people can feel as "I'm satisfied with my life"? How many tragedy do we need to feel the peace and calm is mirac... 1:40 PM
what color today / green After I survive from the pressure of too much passionate faceless monolith, I found the calm of kapipara. 激情的すぎる顔無しモノリスの恐怖から解放されたら、カピパラ... 3:43 PM
what color today / sun yellow everyone want to be the special for someone. The point is the balance between the spot light and one's own inner light. only the p... 3:23 PM
what color today / dusty white The true strongness will never say" join us!then,we will resque you". They will make the alliane only when they admit your str... 5:41 PM
what color today / lunch time sun yellow cultural anthropology is one of my roots. when I was the student of university. I studied why music can beyond the border of cultures... 2:50 PM
what color today / white sometimes I met the person who gave me the feeling as if I'm talking the same contents at the different time line. me in the 100 ye... 3:06 AM
what color today / forest green natural instinct tell us what is natural and what is starange. even if it is a word told by great leader or scientist,if they say somet... 6:08 PM
what color today / sky blue I think the difference between the human and artificial intelligence is whether can feel or not. the feeling of philosophy ,the feeling... 3:07 PM
what color today / sunrise gold whatever it is, dependent and too much addiction harm the life. when we start demanding too much approval from others to our life, It... 3:01 PM
what color today / dark brown sometimes, I feel totally different world is crossing to our world. when I walk into the junction point, I feel our ground became trans... 3:05 PM
what color today / pink when I first visit shanghai for the mtg of projection mapping project, I felt very familiarity for this place. I like my job because my... 9:28 PM
what color todoy / yellow in the mist where is the difference between the borrowed aesthetic and real one. I think the difference is whether it came from experience or infor... 8:30 PM
what color todao / glassy blue I love the both style of street and maison. street fashion has the wild power and aggression. haute couture has the dignity and elegan... 1:47 PM
what color today / champagne gold good resonance make the good masterworks. bad resonance make the storm of tragedy. whoever it is, there is no one who can think the bad... 12:18 PM
what color today / sunset red when I went to a bleached area in northeast of Japan, that area was occupied by the silence of nothingness. I felt strong fear about the ... 1:53 PM
what color today / moon yellow sometimes there are the critically deep trench between what I want from them and what they want from me. each person is living inside t... 2:17 PM
what color today / sunset red when I had tried to become something, my life was always hard days. after decided to think important the brightness of each day, my he... 12:56 PM